Finally! You've made it! After the countless school exams, surprise quizzes, and recitations you wished you wouldn't be called, now here you are hugging every classmate wishing it's the start of the school year again.

Graduation is such a bittersweet experience. There's the joy of accomplishment for finishing the race and starting a new chapter, but there's also the emotional burden of saying goodbye to classmates and teachers you have spent your life with for the past few years. Now, before we celebrate this momentous event, here are a few tips on what to say in a graduation video message:
1. What gift do you want?
You can start with a resounding, "Congratulations!!!!”, a happy graduation video message, or, a pat on the back, but words are empty without a simple token, right?
It's the joy of opening a present that tops it all. It's the icing on the cake. Do you want the new smartphone that you've been checking the reviews for the past months? How about a beach vacation perhaps to breathe some fresh air while lying down on the bench - listening to the soothing waves and sipping that ripe mango shake? I know you want that.
I can still recall how delighted I was when my father gifted me with my TV inside my bedroom. I used to watch movies then in the living room until midnight. I thought it would be more relaxing if I had my TV inside my room.
Making a graduate's Wishlist come true is the perfect way to say "Great job!"
2. Thank you!
Appreciate their hard work, especially for students who felt bad about themselves. They may have been on the verge of giving up but pulled through. They might have thought of dropping the subject but endured the terror professor instead. You can create a short graduation video to add a personalized touch. You can also come up with funny graduation video ideas to add humor to the celebration.

This is also the time to thank your classmates, teachers, and parents. Thank your seatmate who saved your day by simplifying what seemed to be a complicated problem in Calculus. Show some love to your strict teachers who taught you discipline. Be grateful to your parents who were with you throughout your journey. Most importantly, give back all the glory to God who gave you wisdom.
3. Pay it forward.
Life is a cycle. Whatever you have learned, pass it to others. We learn from others as much as others learn from us. Teach your younger siblings. Be open to sharing your knowledge.
4. Where's the party?
After making that graduation video message, it’s now time to celebrate! Invite friends and family members to the festivity. Bring out the griller, order your favorite food, grab the microphone, and enter that song number. Let's toast a drink!
5. What's the plan?
This is where reality sinks in. After all the celebrations, we have to face the real world. Will you transfer to a different school? Do you think this university will be the best decision for your chosen course? Are you going to work immediately? These are questions that should be well thought of.
We are talking about your future here. Don't base your decisions on your friend's chosen course or university. You might just want to go to that university because most of your classmates will enroll there. I've heard of similar stories. This led the student to shift from one course to another. It's not just money wasted but time as well. Know yourself well. List down your skills, passion, strengths, and weaknesses and come up with a sound decision.
6. Outline your career path.
As early as now, you should know where you are heading to. What companies are you considering? What about starting your own business? You might consider a company first to acquire experience then be the boss of your own company.
Think ahead. Don't just go with the flow. There was a time when the demand for call center agents was high. It used to be the go-to job for almost all job seekers. If you think your skills have more to offer, go for your dreams. Don't settle just because it's currently the demand.

7. Save and Invest
This may not have been carefully taught in school but you should save up for the rainy days. As soon as you get your first paycheck, set aside 10-20% of your income for savings. It should be a habit - a forced savings.
Most employees take savings for granted thinking that they still have the opportunity to earn in the next payday. They prioritize their wants first - a new gadget, fancy clothes, their daily dose of milk tea or frappe thinking that "Hey! I worked hard for this. I deserve to treat myself". Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with rewarding yourself once in a while but if you do not discipline yourself, your hard-earned money will just go down the drain.
Let me share an example. Let's say you receive a P20, 000 bonus. Employee #1 decided to purchase a new smartphone. Employee #2 saved the amount. After five years, the gadget that Employee #1 bought is already outdated. Thus, its value has also depreciated. By now, you already know what happened to Employee #2's bonus.
8. Learn from your experiences
Mistakes are inevitable. Don't be afraid to make one. Just be sure that you learn from them.
9. Never get tired of being a student.
Acquiring knowledge is a never-ending process. After graduation comes the application. The theories we know and the formulas that we have memorized will be useless if we do not use them in real-life situations. As Bruce Lee said, “Knowing is not enough, we must apply."
Never stop learning. You may be leaving the gates of your school for now but continue to hone your skills. Read a book - your brain cells will thank you. You may be over with school exams but be prepared for the bigger exam - the world outside the four corners of your classroom.
Now, it's time for you to apply what you've learned. The opportunities are endless. You can do that!