Is someone close to you about to retire? This is an important celebration in every professional's life. People close to the retiring person love to commemorate this occasion and do something special for them. How about you send them a video message that they will remember with a smile for a long time?
At Celebrate, we help you create and design unique retirement videos as gifts for those special to you. We can help you with concepts for friends' videos that will make the retirement party truly memorable for them. Our retirement tribute video message ideas are quirky, fun, and bound to delight the person for whom they are intended.

But, How do you Start a Retirement Video?
The beginning of memorable retirement videos should be interesting enough to engage the individual through to its end. A great way is to incorporate such funny video ideas and have some catchy music for the videos. Or you could prepare a retirement presentation for a co-worker, outlining their important achievements, contributions, and milestones (different promotions, etc.)
But first, ensure that the messages for such videos and well wishes are intended for well. Factors like background music, video clips, and other details of a person's life to be incorporated will differ from individual to individual. Paying attention to these little details will help create a video that is interesting, heartfelt, and hence memorable.
Now, let's consider the different individuals in our lives whom we could gift retirement videos as a tribute to their hard work and as a celebration of their lifelong contribution.

What to Say in a Retirement Video To:
- Family Member: Basically, the videos should be kind of a video tribute to celebrate the retirement of the person. This is a loved one with whom you have a close rapport, so a personalized retirement video that celebrates the occasion and offers congratulations on long innings would be perfect. Your video should make it a happy gift for this special member of your family.
- Friend: Friends' retirement concepts include an informal tone enlisting their achievements or a slightly quirky/mischievous wish intended to bring a smile to your friend's lips. Friendship is about casual, funny banter, and your video message should reflect exactly this.
- Colleague: Your equation with your colleague during your career is one of mutual cooperation, team spirit, getting things done together, and occasionally sharing personal stuff of all the things. So, a semi-formal video that sincerely offers the wishes of the career and expresses gratitude for all their hard work should be the basis here. You could also offer them best wishes for their future and use the right words that convey your emotions on this day.
- Boss: One of the best co-workers you can ever have, they are definitely senior to you in position and hierarchy and, in all probability, senior in age too. Your retirement video message should commemorate all their life achievements and express gratitude and admiration for them being a great mentor and supporting you throughout. You could add in a 'we'll miss you' message, congratulate them on a glorious career, and wish them success in starting a new chapter.
Funny Retirement Video Message Ideas:
Family Member:
Considering the closeness of the relationship, your wishes at the retirement party could have messages poking fun at your family members.
- "Your multitasking skills will be much appreciated while cutting vegetables and doing laundry henceforth."
- "You'll have a glorious retirement. After all, you excel at doing nothing."
- "Congratulations on becoming the new grocery in charge at home and getting a new boss - your wife!"
- "Celebrate this new fun phase where every day is a holiday."
Again, your equation is an informal one with good-natured ribbing happening all the time, and your video can have funny retirement wishes accordingly. Following are some examples:
- "Congratulations on waking up happy on Mondays – being retired."
- "Looking forward to hearing from you about all your recent fishing trips, travel, and golf. Travel to the grocery stores and household essential shops, I meant."
- "I truly envy your new position of being a partner in crime to your grandkids."
- "Best luck on your journey towards making it to Assistant Home Manager and Cook."
- "Will miss your office gossip and grumbling."
A lighthearted tone that nevertheless conveys your emotions when your colleague is retiring makes for a lovely memorial video. Consider using the following:
- "Your singing and snoring have alternatively helped us with productive naps as well as staying awake; we are truly grateful to you for that. Old by age but young by nature, we'll all notice your absence."
- "You are beginning retirement; don't expect any days off now onwards. Wait for us to join you."
- "We'll all keep looking out for your resourcefulness, you working hard for all of us, you watching all our backs, your gossip, and (rarely) those sweaty socks."
- "New retiree...Celebrate retirement and get busy with the only job you have now - spending time with your family and loved ones. Congratulations once again!"
Funny retirement video ideas for this retiree would mean using quirky, interesting messages to highlight your professional journeys together. Or you could use one of those really popular, best retirement songs to make things interesting.
- "As much as we'll long for your presence at the workplace, we all know the feeling is not mutual. Happy Retirement!"
- "Wish I could accompany you on this new journey..."
- "You've earned your Ph. D in relaxation with flying colors. Enjoy!"
- “Retirement is doing nothing without being anxious about getting caught at it.”

Heartfelt Retirement Video Messages Ideas:
Member of the Family:
An intimate, emotional tone offering a 'congratulations on your retirement' message is a great thought. Appropriate music for the video adds to its emotional quotient. Some examples are:
- "Your achievements have made us all proud. Now it's time to take relaxation seriously."
- "We have mixed emotions on this retirement day of yours. Hope you enjoy this new journey as much as your colleagues enjoyed having you as part of their professional lives."
- "We truly wish you a happy retirement. You've scaled numerous peaks and have crossed many milestones; now just enjoy the view and the destination."
- A big episode of your professional life has ended. A big episode is now going to start.”
Friends retirement concepts could have emotional wording and convey emotions but nevertheless an informal, light tonality that brings cheer. Using quirky lyrics and catchy music to create one of the best retirement songs is a great idea. Following are some messages that can be used:
- "You have contributed with blood, sweat, and tears at your workplace. Now let your body and mind relax for having a great future."
- "You've limited time on this planet. Smile while all your teeth are in place. Happy Retirement!"
- "A second innings awaits you. Have a happy post-retirement life!"
- “We know you are a pro at having fun! Now you can do it without feeling bad about enjoying it.”
With appropriate music for a retirement video message and some profound, sincere thoughts, you can create a heartfelt video for one of your new retired co-workers. You could use the following for this retiree:
- "Your contribution is irreplaceable, and we will all miss your work and presence here. You will always be in our hearts and minds."
- "You've always put this company's needs and demands above those of your own. Now it’s time for a change. Happy Retirement!"
- "Hoping for a post-retirement life as glorious and memorable as your career."
- Now is the time when you can sit back and give free advice even when you never followed.”
Always have been an inspiration to all, you could create a video with a semi-formal or formal tone of the message. While ending the chapter of this retiree happily, create retirement videos to convey your admiration, respect, gratitude. Congratulations and celebration time for them on the completion of an eventful career. Examples:
- "Thanks for bearing with all my stupidity and unintended lapses at work. Will keep troubling you even after you are free from your office obligations as we cannot let go of a great mentor and leader. Just kidding. Enjoy your second innings, boss!"
- "Throughout your time as my boss, you offered me great support, guidance, and vision. I will carry your teachings with me always."
- "You made a positive difference to my life and were one of the reasons I looked forward to work. Will longingly remember you."
- “We are really going to light the ray of hope in you by saying that we will not forget what you always asked us to watch out for in the processes!”
Retirement, indeed, is a big deal in each person's life. Beautiful words to bid goodbye to the professional world should include not only just heartfelt messages but also some cheerful words to make it a memorable journey.
Afraid to not have the editing skills or reluctant to upload valuable photos for a retirement video maker? Worry not.
At Celebrate, we help you create retirement videos that are truly loved and cherished by those they are intended for. If you are in need of guidance on how to make memorable videos that leave a long-lasting impression, we will be delighted to help you!
Upload your photos, record and upload the videos, and share the messages! You are all set to make the fete more enjoyable!