We’ve been asking couples who used our Video Guestbook to share their learning so that future brides can benefit from their experience. We asked them about the good, we asked them what could’ve been better, and we asked them what tips they have for brides-to-be. We learn so much from these conversations – and we hope you do, too.
And we hope you’ll share your learnings after your own big day too!
Interview with Meg
When Meg met her now-husband on Xbox playing the multiplayer online video game Destiny, she had no idea how true the name of the game would be for her.
Seven years later, the couple have gone from meeting as an admin and a sherpa on the game to building a life together and finally saying,“I do.”
With a video game like Destiny involved, it truly was a story that could write itself, that the couple even had a copy of the video game taking centre stage at their wedding, along with décor and cookies adorned with the title of the game.
And as a way to capture the authentic memories of their wedding day (and for an affordable price) they used Celebrate.buzz’s Video Guestbook.

Tell us a little bit about your experience using Celebrate.buzz for your wedding. What was that like?
We loved it.
We originally wanted a video guest book, but everything else we looked at was so expensive. A lot of places wanted to send the camera and the equipment and you had to set it up and then you had to ship it back—and there was just was so much to it. And when you have a wedding going on, the last thing you want is something else you have to handle or take care of, or coordinate in general.
We also looked at phone guestbooks where people could leave messages and stuff,
and then I had stumbled across a girl on TikTok who had done a guestbook where the company sends you the camera, they do the video guestbook, and they load all the stuff together. But it was $500 and then the package up from that was $1,200.
And we're a blended family: we have four kids—I'm going togo on vacation for $1,200 before I spend that on a guestbook. So, honestly, price was a big component.
With Celebrate.buzz’s Video Guestbook, we spent $100 for everybody to be able to use a device that they were comfortable with—their own smartphones.
The Video Guestbook was very easy: it was just very user friendly—and it wasn’t an insane price point. We loved the simplicity of it.
How many responses did you get?
I think we got about 15, but our guest list was very small.We put the QR code on the gift table and then next to the bar. And then either our photographer or my maid of honor carried it around to each table.
The entire wedding party, we’ve been friends for years. My maid of honor and I have been friends since kindergarten. And my other bridesmaids and I have all been friends since sixth grade. We’ve all been friends for 25 to 30 years, so to see them altogether sending well wishes was a really cool concept.
What was the best message you received from the Video Guestbook?
One of [my husband’s] friends uploaded one where he admitted he had no idea about the story of how we met. We’ve known them for two years and we've talked about how we told him about how we met and everything. But in his message, he was like, “When you said you met online, I thought you meantTinder. I had no idea y’all met on Xbox.”
And I don't know, it was just such a moment of honesty, but it was also one of the funny ones that we got a good laugh out of it.
Was there anything that you think could be improved?
Honestly, I couldn't do everything from my phone, which made it a little harder, when I'm usually on the go. I'm someone who has two phones. I'm also constantly in my car, I travel a lot for work, and my kids all play sports. The platform is very desktop-based, which is fine, just for me, that was a little bit harder, but not anything that deterred me from still using the Video Guestbook. *
Cherish your wedding day with heartfelt messages from your guests. Try the Video Guestbook today.
*We know how important it is to be able to do things when you can, wherever you can. That's why we plan to have our platform and system fully accessible on mobile by mid-August 2023.